​Tackle the world’s most complex risks & get insights to optimise your portfolio
Our cutting-edge and scientifically rigorous models quantify the portfolio effects of primary and secondary hazards, cascading effects across systems, and agent-based decisions. This provides a holistic analysis of risks that allow you to make high-quality risk-informed decisions, including:
An optimised portfolio through risk insights & managing risks according to your strategies
Improved decision-making by ensuring decisions incorporate overlooked cascading systemic risks
Exposure management by being prepared for high-risk grey-swan scenarios

Customers & Key Benefits
Asset Owners
& Managers
Portfolio allocation: Quantify and reduce the direct and indirect impacts from CPC risks
Portfolio stress testing: Run through scenarios to simulate effects on your portfolio
Corporate guidance: Guide corporations to bettter manage CPC risks
Portfolio allocation: Incorporate CPC risks into portfolio and reinsurance decisions
Underwriting: Improve underwriting guidelines, and integrate risks into pricing
Stress Testing: Apply stress testing as part of risk and solvency assessment processes
Central Banks, Governments, & Financial Regulators
Systemic Framework: Incorporate the cascading and systemic impacts in stress testing frameworks
Stress Testing: Probe the resilience of the financial system and assess how the system can cope with severe and plausible scenarios
Our Software Platform
Key Software Features
Dynamic dashboard showing cVAR and tVAR for a set of climate related natural hazards, and emerging infectious disease profiles
Monte Carlo simulations and sensitivity analysis to illustrate how outcomes change with input value changes
API for seamless integration with portfolio analysis tools
Investment evaluations for resilient financial productions, including how they reduce portfolio cVAR
Database of significant cascading systemic risks
Modeling Methodology
Modeling Approach
We model primary and secondary hazards & threats, first-order and second-order system impacts, agent responses, and interlinkages.​ We use methods and simulation with a wide range of economic and process-based models, cross-sectoral analysis, network analysis, policy analysis, thematic workshops, interviews, focus groups, and statistical analysis of existing datasets.
We run sessions with governments, certain banks, and consumers to understand agent decisions and consult with academics, and forecasters to calibrate distributions and probabilities.
1) Hazard Profiles
Using data climate and environmental data from ISIMIP, and socioeconomic data from the FAO and UN, the frequency and intensity of primary and secondary hazard profiles are mapped at the country level.
2) Exceedance Probability Data
Using public and private data, the probability that a certain loss value will be exceeded due to the primary event is calculated and graphed for a predefined amount of time in the future.

3) Secondary Hazard Profile Overlay
Cascading hazards in the natural, social, economic, and political systems are overlaid on the primary events map to demonstrate cascading effects.

Data is simulated over ten years assuming a fixed number of losses per year, using a Monte Carlo simulation to predict cascading trends.
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KPIs overtime, by sector indices